Miss Pelican's Perch

Looking at my World from a Different Place

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Drawn to a Cause

lantanaMy original goal when I gained access to a garden of my own was to grow my own vegetables.  That did not work out so well. It is simply more cost effective to buy my own. However, I discovered that with a little work to rehabilitate the soil and a strategic use of water flowers have taken hold. So I shifted my goal to that of creating a bee sanctuary. While I do have bees visit the the flowers, I also have hummingbirds, moths, wasps and hornets, and butterflies.  All of these are pollinators too.   Okay, let’s shift the intention again:  my goal is to create a pollinators’ oasis.

800px-Monarch_Butterfly_Cocoon_3This weekend while visiting a local nature center, I coincidentally came across a lecture by the center’s curator on the monarch butterfly.  (If you want to know more about the monarch, see here: ) The center plants a variety of milkweed types, the monarchs’ favorite food, in an attempt to boost their population in the area. The monarchs’ habitat, like for many species, is threatened by– guess who?– us. They also rear a few in captivity for educational purposes which they then release. I happened to be there when they released a newly emerged monarch.  See the video below.

Now, I don’t intend to rear any at home, since there is some controversy to that (if you read the Wikipedia article), but I do happen to have two packages of pink milkweed seeds. It won’t hurt to sow them.  I will wait to a waxing moon to do so.

Nevertheless, like it or not, I seem to have become drawn to the cause of saving this iconic pollinator.

monarch young

ljgloyd (c) 2021


Dumping WordPress?

I have a question for my readers: Do any of you post on WordPress? I have blogged on WP since 2006, loved it for a long time, but have come to absolutely loathe this platform now ever since they stopped supporting the Classic Editor on the free package. It has become so difficult to create posts with their incomprehensible “block” editor that it is disrupting my creative process.

I want to switch to another platform that is easier to use. Blogger/Blogspot is easy but they just discontinued their email subscription notification function so there is no way my followers can know when I post. What is the point of having a site there if no one knows you’ve posted?

Do any of you even blog anymore? Is blogging dead? Is it all Instagram now? (which I equally loathe). I don’t know what to do. Comments welcome.
