Miss Pelican's Perch

Looking at my World from a Different Place

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Day 290: Checking In

I realized that I have not posted much in several weeks. I’ve been working—thank God—and doing a lot of reading, journaling, puttering in the kitchen and gardening. I find it very hard to drum and make art.  These take a lot more creative energy that I simply do not have right now.

However, I was struck with a little green energy yesterday and I started working on a small container garden of succulents. I already had a bunch of baby aloe vera plants which a friend gave me and I added echeveria and tiny donkey tails.   My mama aloe vera has a 3 foot blossom.

So I do what I can to stay grounded and focused during what remains of a hideous year. I am hoping that with 2021 things will start to get better. If I don’t post again this week, then everyone have a happy new year. Stay well.

Aloe Vera blossom

Ljgloyd 2020