Miss Pelican's Perch

Looking at my World from a Different Place

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Evolution of a Geek-Girl

A Note from Miss Pelican:  Writer Jane Wolfinbarger has made an insightful analysis of her evolution as a “geek-girl.” I so totally get this that I had to reblog it. And check out Jane’s complete blog at http://janewwolfinbarger.wordpress.com/

Jane W. Wolfinbarger

I saw a video on Facebook today that I immediately identified with. I reposted it, and then started thinking and writing. Here’s the video, and the results of the thinking and writing.


My first steps toward geekdom were small ones. I grew up in a small Southern town in the 1960’s and 70’s, and there really wasn’t a lot of fodder for geeks there at that time. Comic books, three channels on television (and an early bedtime) and a public library that ran to mainstream fiction were all I had at my disposal. Still, I showed potential early on; I spent weeks being a cat at age two, with a tail safety-pinned onto me (role-playing and cosplay, anyone?) until my dad brought home a kitten for me, and at age four, I had a fairy-tale character as an imaginary friend. (I reluctantly dismissed her when my mother questioned whether…

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