Miss Pelican's Perch

Looking at my World from a Different Place

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Day 220: Work/Life Balance

Way back in March when we started our work-at-home lockdown, I fussed a lot about having to stay at home all the time, enduring the “sameness” of every day. Of course, there is still a lot of that feeling, but I have come to appreciate the benefits.

The primary benefit for me is the work/life balance.  I don’t have to rush home to meet the handiman. I don’t have to spend my weekend or evenings doing laundry or vacuuming. No stress in dealing with commuter traffic. I can make a pot of tea and drink it like a civilized person instead of gulping it from a paper cup. I can go out and weed my garden on my lunch hour. And I don’t have to binge cook on Sunday afternoons. I have time to tend a simmering caldron of soup on a Thursday afternoon. And this morning, I roasted a kabocha squash while answering work emails and preparing for zoom meetings.

Yes, I can get used to this.  Wait, I think I have gotten used to this. 

kabocha squash roasted in olive oil, rosemary, salt, pepper and drizzled with maple syrup

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Day 205: The Blessing of the Animals

Today is the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and ecology.  Our church had a blessing of the animals service via Zoom.   Participants brought their dogs and cats to their computer to receive the blessing from our priest.

I don’t have any pets right now.   I attended the Zoom anyway and requested that we remember the variety of creatures that live in my backyard:    squirrels, feral cats, raccoons, hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, and a family of raucous crows.   They are part of the ecology of neighborhood.

Also, here is something else in honor of the day:


