Miss Pelican's Perch

Looking at my World from a Different Place


Day 339: Guardian of the Garden

I know I haven’t posted much in a very long time. It is the same old same old: working at home trying to get through this quarantine. My turn for the vaccine is not here yet so I keep waiting.  That being said, I have not been idle. I’ve been slowly regenerating the soil in my garden.

There is a corner in my yard that gets almost no sun except for the very high days of summer. As a result, not much grows there.   A curious thing happened a few days ago. Somebody, no doubt a neighbor who was moving, dumped a bunch of trash on my lawn. In the process of throwing out the trash, I discovered in the heap this terra-cotta sun face. I could not bring myself to throw him out so I put him in this corner. He seemed a little lonely so I moved this small cairn which I had built elsewhere in the yard. I followed up by going to a local garden center and getting a helleborus plant, also known as Lenten Rose, which they tell me does well in the shade.

Maybe this new guardian of the garden will smile on this little corner and things will start to grow and thrive.  We’ll see.

ljg 2021