Miss Pelican's Perch

Looking at my World from a Different Place

Armpits and Other Points of Contention


My usual habit upon waking up is to scroll my social media feeds.   Whether this is a good or bad habit is better discussed another day.

This morning as I was looking through FB, I came upon a post with a vintage photo of Sofia Loren showing her armpits– which were, how shall I say, unshorn.    Following this photo were no less than 88 comments about her armpits.   Eighty-eight.   People were arguing over this.  Over Sofia Loren’s fuzzy armpits.

I am not going to summarize the arguments for or against.   My point is that I was just amazed that all these commenters had nothing better to argue about.   Seriously.  The comments got pretty ugly and personal.

We have war, climate change, racism, gender-equity issues, world health issues, corrupt politicians, and many other important and relevant topics.  But people fight over stupid stuff like this.   And it is not just armpits.   Look at your social media feeds.   People argue over many other silly things.  Another common area of conflict is what happens on your favorite binge-shows.   I want to jump in and say “People, it’s just a TV show!  It’s not real!”   But I know better.

I think some people just like being contentious.   Why is that? Personally, I think it is because folks feel like they can’t change the big things so they get anxious and start fussing about the little things.

People, just chill, will ya?

But look at me now:   I’m being contentious.    (SMH).

ljgloyd (c) 2022

3 thoughts on “Armpits and Other Points of Contention

  1. I know people in the ‘real world’ who go on facebook and just burn the house down. They’re vicious. They are cruel. They are mean and nasty. But in the real world they aren’t like that at all. Or they’re just better at hiding it. I don’t know. But at any rate I really hate social media.

  2. You’ve done a good job of explaining why I don’t look at FB much and never use other social media at all.

  3. Actually, I don’t participate much anymore on FaceBook except to read posts in the various groups I belong too.

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