Miss Pelican's Perch

Looking at my World from a Different Place

Tea and the Art of Slowing Down


Tea was meant to be slowly sipped and savored, unlike coffee which is usually grabbed on the run and chug-a-lugged in a hurry so that its rocket fuel qualities can ignite your day.

Tea is a gentle, quiet beverage.  Maybe that’s why Teas are at the end of the day, so that the drinker can relax and unwind.   The way tea is made is a slow affair.  Done correctly, you need to bring the water to a boil, pour it over the loose leaves, and let the leaves steep for several minutes.  You cannot help but chill out while you wait.

Since you are required to slow down to make a cuppa, you might as well make an art form out of it.  Oh, wait, that’s already been done:

Okay, so maybe you don’t want to slow down that much. Here is a another way to make it:   How to Make the Perfect Cup of Tea

ljgloyd (c) 2017

3 thoughts on “Tea and the Art of Slowing Down

  1. The tea ceremony is more about the ceremony and much less about drinking the tea.

    “The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it that the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce.” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

  2. NICE!!

    *\|/**\|/**\|/* Mary Beth *\|/**\|/**\|/*

  3. Tea is one of my favorite things to unwind at the end of a day. (I use herbal tisane so as not to have a caffeine hit before bed). Tea is also a favorite during the day as I am writing and reading.

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